Friday, November 5, 2010

Family Matters

Yup. That's me 2nd from bottom left (red shirt).

I spent a lot of time with family these past two days, and may I tell you- I have an awesome family. Everytime we get together, it's such a laugh. It feels like home. This picture here was from 1982 or so. We had a Lujan family reunion in Tucson. These last two days felt a little bit like a mini-reunion. I think I'm going to keep my family. No free agency for me. Love you guys!


Anonymous said...

Put some pictures of you , when you were little, those are great pictures!
your dad looks the same and really young.


Jim Lujan said...

Haha...I looked very Jungle Book boy when I was little. I'll try and dig up some pics. To nobody's suprise- our family has always had a strange sense of humor. I've always loved that.