Well...its OVER! Geeks-Con was really quite the success. We had a full house and it was an exhaustively good time. One of the best times I've ever had exhibiting anywhere. Thanks to Sal , Geeks, and everyone who helped make it happen. Lets do it again!

There....right there! That's my booth. Multi million dollar corporate machine, I know.

There's the Javier Hernandez getting all Javi on us. My table was next to his. Quite the team.

We had Raf! Rafael Navarro being all "awesome artist" and such. They guy is a phenom.

Speaking of phenoms, my buddies Geo and Nancy representin' hot scary vampire girls everywhere! These folks are so cool they freeze ice.

A motley crew indeed. (R-L: Ted Seko, Jav Hernandez, Jim Lujan, Raul Aguirre jr, and Sherm Cohen (front)

My new buddy, Sherm Cohen. Sherm is a super-talented dude, and one of the nicest, too! He works on Sponge Bob and many other cartoons. I shared a booth with him and it was goodness!

Yup. The DVD made it's debut. Ghettomation Garden sold and made buckets o' duckets, Player!

My insane family, Andrew "Frylock" and Kelly. Love em!! Andrew is supercool, supercrazy, and quite the artist himself. Obviously a very brave and funny kid!

Geeks owner Sal and myself. One day they will carve our images on Mount Rushnerd.

My beautiful wife, Leann! See? Even a Geek can find true love! (Do I mean her or me? You make the call) It was wonderful having her there. Very comforting after a long day of salesmanship.

Raul "Man vs Art" Aguirre, jr pimping my sketches. This guy is an inspriration. You gotta check out
Man VS Art, his art cast. Hilarious, informative, and TRUE!

Kelly, Gras, and Bob (brother). The new Peter,Paul, and Mary.

Agimat's Adonna and Arvey. Arvey is our NEWEST Cartoonsta. Javier "inducted" him at Geeks-Con that night. Footage to be seen soon! These folks are great! They have a video game that is on the iPad and is doing really well, Sugar Rush.

My soul brother Jose "Crying Macho Man" Cabrera pointing out my banner (his is the background). Now THATS product placement!

Me and famed cartoonist Lalo Alcaraz. Celebrity in the house. Please no paparazzi.

All in all it was an amazing day. We hope to do this again. We learned a lot of what to do and not to do. I think everyone had a great time and there was a ton of networking that went on. Plenty of new friends made. If you have any photos from the event, drop me a line at jimlujan@earthlink.net Thanks to everyone that made it out and to all those who participated and promoted it. It truly did rock!
This was quite the event! We had some laughs, made some friends, made a few bucks, and met with the public! What more could we ask for?!
See you at Geeks Con 2011!
Hey, Jim! Here's my GEEKS CON wrap-up.....starring your photos! Thanks again!
It was truly a great first GC and you kept people in good spirits with those ridiculous theme jams: famous cartoon characters (more like OBSCURE cartoon characters, DC, Marvel, etc.) Next time, we should have a Hanna-Barbara board......and ex-presidents (so we can all fight over who will draw Nixon!)
By the way, I love the top photo on this post with Navarro looking a the camera from the distant horizon. Cute!
Man, I really missed out. I had a wedding shower, a family picnic, a funraiser for a friend's dead nephew, AND GEEK CON going on that weekend. I only managed to go to two of those four things. Wish I could have made it.
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