Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Press Release: Cartoon Pawnshop on Blastro!


Basically, it's this:
 Blastro.com has resurrected its partnership with animator and cartoonist Jim Lujan once again in support of his “ghettomation” series, “Jim Lujan’s Cartoon Pawn Shop.”  Depicting real life characters in Southern California whose personalities are often blown up to the point of absurdity, Lujan is a one-man animation studio, creating the artwork, voices and music for his series.    “Jim Lujan’s Cartoon Pawn Shop” found its first online home on Blastro in the late nineties, and as Jim says, “It’s good to be back.”   
Currently, Blastro is showcasing episodes from the series that feature characters like insincere strippers, sinister cult leaders, disrespected DJ's, gangster rappers, wanna-be thugs, wasteoid parents and a security man who calls himself the gatekeeper of his “24-hour nightmare fest.” Viewers can expect many additions to the catalog though because Lujan has more stories and animations on tap than he can crank out in an entire lifetime. Blastro’s president, Rob Campanell, says, “Jim is back in his groove and more prolific than ever. Jim’s an old friend, and we couldn’t be more excited to have him as a permanent fixture on Blastro – this time around.”


Anonymous said...

interesting...After some time goes by (a year?) I would be curious to know if this helped you get more fans. It can't hurt that is for sure.
All publicity is good.
I hope it work for you.

Jim Lujan said...

Blastro was my first exposure to film fests and such. They flew me out to Austin to be part of a thing called CONDUIT. It was awesome. Beyond the business stuff, the creators of the company are good friends. I never really went away from them, this is more like a re-launch. They have totally different technology now (they can showcase YouTube videos now). Yeh, I think this wil be good. I need more publicity, more branding and an agent(?)

Anonymous said...


Hey Jim...My guess is... a web savvy fello like you has seen this cartoon show on adultswim.."superjail". But if you have not..check it out.

It's freaky HOW close this is to your work. The look and feel of it. When I first saw it I said, "Is this Jim's work??"
The hand drawn look and the crazy stories.
What this tells me is that there is a PLACE for Jim Lujan and his cartoons on world wide TV.
If Superjail can be a hit it stands to reason you will be too!
What do you think?